Oh boy, he's writing more nonsense. This isn't to annoy Claw (he probably doesn't like ATHF anyway) but to waste time. What's that? Play games? Watch TV? NO! Let's... write pointless shit on the Internet. Could be worse.
So here comes the ATHF rankings. This will be all 140 episodes (including Boston) in order of my like-atude. Here's the criteria:
The movie won't be included: Regardless of your feelings on the movie, it's 80 minutes long and hard to judge against 10 minute episodes. A lot of great ATHF episodes rely on killing the characters and that doesn't work when you have 70 minutes to go. I'll probably do a bonus review of the movie itself. Since it's a movie review, it will make claw mad. Probably.
Shake Like Me and Boston will be included: Boston is unfinished and that will be considered since Adult Swim apparently has a history of chickening out but it will be included. Shake Like Me has been removed from HBO Max and I don't give a fuck. It's fucking satire and Carey Means is black. Get over yourselves, Twitter horde.
A minimal amount of information will be given for each episode: Spoilers abound because the last episode aired in 2015. Oh god I'm old. No air dates or season numbers, just the order they were released, 1 through 139 and 0 (Boston). Episode name will be given as well as Monster of the Week, Cameos and other notes (like the live action episode). No pictures because that would require way more effort and at this rate, this is a lot of effort.
The following categories will be used to help judge episodes: Damien gave me some good suggestions but I don't want 12 categories so I combined them down. (There will not be an overall score for the episode beyond the ranking it earns). The categories are:
Plot Insanity: This category will cover the general aspect of the plot and how nuts it is and how much it works.
Shakeisms: This encapsulates the positive and negative effect Shake has on an episode. Sometimes he is the episode, sometimes he adds to the overall plot. Sometimes his conflict with the other characters makes the difference. Sometimes he's just fucking annoying.
Carl Factor: This show wouldn't have been nearly as good without Carl. Good episodes use him great, bad episode don't. This will cover his interactions, his deaths and dismemberments and his other quirks (like the end of Unremarkable Journey).
Meatwadded: Sometimes Meatwad drives an episode. Sometimes his fights with Shake do. Sometimes he tries to pick his nose and punches a hole through himself. Yes, this will be a max rating for Multiple Meat.
Cameos & Guest Stars: A rankings for the guest stars, guest voices and monster of the week that are in said episode. Do they work? Yes (Zack Wylde). No. (Tera Patrick). This will gauge that workingness.
There's no category for Frylock because he's the straight man and episodes focused on him are usually not great (Party All The Time, Fry Legs). His interactions with the other characters will be noted where appropriate.
So that's that. I will probably break them up into 7 posts, 20 episodes each. Depends on how much I crank them out. The first one will come with Rankings 140 through 121. Soon.
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